This may be TMI, but...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I've stayed at 2400 mg of sodium today, and I've have to hit the bathroom six times today with a full to bursting bladder. Granted, I've also had close to 70 ounces of water, but it's running straight through me instead of being stored, which is amazing.

Oops -- make that seven times...


Walt said...

It's amazing the results you can get from little changes, isn't it?

Melanie said...

Oh, yeah. And apart from the blazing sinus headache I woke up with this morning, I feel pretty damned good.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melanie- thanks for subscribing to my blog. I appreciate that. I hope to write often as an experiment to see if I can think up enough material for a short podcast, done while I'm on the road. It's a wait and see right now.

Hey- I always sleep well with xanax. I like it better then sleeping aids. I'm more groggy on them in the mornings.

Love the show!