Begging for more

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I had a Moment(TM) last night at the gym. As I was on the bike, merrily pedaling away (I brought the flipcam so that I could record another videocast, but there were other people in the gym so I couldn't record anything, sorry!), I was also reading Bobke II, a collection of diary entries and columns by the cheerfully insane cyclist and TDF commentator Bob Roll. If you have any interest in cycling, or simply enjoy reading great (and more than slightly gonzo) sports commentary, I highly recommend this book.

Anyhoo, there I was, reading Bobke's wit and wisdom when I stumbled across a section that pretty much sang to me. He was on a practice ride, after a year of having really shitty form, and suddenly everything clicked and he was just powering along like a machine, at which point he said, "My legs were begging for more."

And I grinned, because that's how I felt last night. My legs were sneering at me and saying, "That's all you got? Really? Really?" I did a Level 3 ride with variable inclines for forty minutes, and if it hadn't been so late I could have easily ridden for an hour or longer. All of which means I'm finally at the point where I can start stepping up my game, switching around the programs and tackling tougher rides, which is just so damn cool.

Plus my legs? Calves are starting to look damn good, people.

WEIGHT: 311.2 (slight bounce in water weight due to the salty stuff I ate yesterday -- no biggie)

FOOD FOR THE DAY: SB meal bar for breakfast, 2 pieces of chicken, greek salad, tabouleh, hummus, cauliflower and some potato chunks for lunch, and 3 clementines for dessert. Yummo! Afternoon snack of three more clementines, then dinner was two PB sammiches and 2 oz. of hatch chili con queso popcorn.