No, really, I AM back this time

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What can I say -- the last month has been spent looking for a house, podcasting, dealing with assorted weather issues and other stuff. And I haven't been all that good about walking (bad Mellie, no biscuit), but that should be remedied now that --

-- ta-da! --

-- we're buying a house. We close on the 29th, move in on the 18th, and after that I'm leaving the freaking treadmill UP permanently so that I can hop on it any time I like, even after 10 PM, and do my walk. That is, if I have any energy after the renovations we're planning for the offices (walls need to be painted), master bath (walls need to be painted, carpet pulled up, a tile floor put down) and kitchen (cabinets need to be painted). Whee.

In other news, my consistently malfunctioning reproductive system is at it again, and while I'm waiting for the Crimson Tide to make its belated appearance (and there goes all my male readers) I'm having runs of PVCs (premature ventricular contractions, or as I refer to them, "heart hiccups") due to hormone fluctuations.

Yes, my doctor knows about them. No, the beta blockers he gives me don't work. Oddly enough, getting mildly hammered does, so I may indulge in a rare and precious mojito tonight. My body -- you know you want it.

And speaking of things to want, man, I really, REALLY want ice cream right now. Probably due to the hormone fluctuations as it's not something I normally crave, but a bowl of Tin Roof would really hit the spot.

Wednesday's total mileage: 1.25 miles. 485.30 miles to Isengard.


Walt said...

I'm still very jealous of your new house. My next (and final) house is going to be as fabulous as your new house. Congrats again. I'm very happy for you!!!!