Friday, March 21, 2008
Mainly because I might as well keep all this stuff in one place.
So, fitness, health and all that crap. Since I am a geek's geek, I have decided to walk from Minas Tirith to Bag End. No, I haven't lost my frigging mind, and yes, I know these are imaginary places no matter how large they loom in the minds of Tolkien fans. However, I can walk the same distance as the little guys did, so this is what I will do:
1625 miles: Take the road home with the hobbits from Minas Tirith to Hobbiton.
* 535 miles from Minas Tirith to Isengard
* 693 miles from Isengard to Rivendell.
* 397 miles from Rivendell to Bag End.
Because Momma has to fit into a nice dress in time for the Hugos, dontchaknow.
Friday's total mileage: 534.06 miles to Isengard.
Weight work:
Set #1 | Set #2 | Set #3 | Set #4 | |
Reps | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Stiff-Legged Deadlift | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Lat Pulldowns | 30 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Dumbbell Row | 10 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Back Hyperext. | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Oh, speaking of geek fitness, you know what I miss? I miss fencing. I never knew what a violent bitch I was until I was invited to join the SFWA Musketeers and picked up my first épée. I've been hit in the boobs, whacked in the throat so hard I could barely talk for 20 minutes afterwards, and I've looked like a Dalmatian after a really good bout (I fence with SCA and Renaissance-style fencers, so it's not line fencing so much as, "I will pierce your heart with my steel and bathe in your blood!").
And I miss that. The guy I used to fence with locally isn't really doing it anymore, the Musketeers haven't fenced in yonks, and I don't know of any North Dallas groups going at the moment. I like playing with long steel, dammit, and I miss it.
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